Ready to dive in?
This prototype was completed in August 2019, after six months of research, design, and usability testing.

Click the links below to view each section of the prototype.

welcome to INK

A quick look at the dashboard and organization.
1 of 13

create notebook

Create a new notebook and give it a name.
2 of 13

create project

Create a project and learn about the features.
3 of 13


add text

Add text and change formatting.
4 of 13

collect data

Use the 'measure' tool to add sensor data.
5 of 13

take photo

Use the camera to add a new photo.
6 of 13

'measure' tool


Annotate your project with drawings and more.
7 of 13


Organize your project into multiple sections.
8 of 13

view comments

Read feedback from others on your project.
9 of 13


add comments

Leave feedback on someone else's project.
10 of 13


Search past notebooks and projects.
11 of 13

customize notebook

Customize a notebook cover.
12 of 13

customize profile

Customize your profile picture.
13 of 13

notebook customization